Christian Education

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Christian Education

Formation is lifelong growth in the knowledge, service, and love of God as followers of Jesus through being informed by Scripture, Tradition, and Reason. Formation is a lifelong process that deepens our faith and spirituality.

We offer a variety of formation opportunities throughout the year with the hope and expectation that these offerings will strengthen our relationship with Jesus, keep us connected with one another, help us articulate our faith, help us be advocates for others, and to grow in love and courage to do the work God is inviting us into.

Children & Youth

Sunday School:
We have a wonderful and welcoming Sunday School program!

Sunday School is for children ages Pre-K – High School.
They meet Sundays from 10:00a.m. – 10:45a.m. from September – May.

Confirmation & Reception Programs:
These are both programs that are offered to youth and adults.

Confirmation is a sacramental rite in which the candidates prepare themselves to make a commitment to Christ.

Reception is were baptized persons who have been members of another Christian fellowship, and who wish to be affiliated with the Episcopal Church, may make a public affirmation of their faith and commitment to the responsibilities of their baptism.

Vacation Bible School:
Is our wonderful program where we offer a program for children/youth featuring fellowship, Bible Study, songs, crafts and
games during the 2nd week of July.

Youth Group:
Our Youth Group gathers for fellowship and fun and is for youth in 6th – 12th grade.


Formation Offerings:
We offer regular programs where we explore the Bible, prayer, and our faith together.

Episcopal 101:
We hold Episcopal 101 for newcomers to the Episcopal Church where we explore everything from our history, Book of Common Prayer, worship, and polity.