Mother Jimmie Sue Deppe
I’m the rector of Church St. Jude in Wantagh and I’ve been with St. Jude’s for 2
years. We’re a parish with big hearts who like to try out new ideas as we model
loving-kindness, inclusion and dignity for everyone. We believe that God is good,
and we believe whole-heartedly that together we can spread God’s love and
compassion through our love and actions.
I am married to my wife Amy of 20 years and we have two grown children, and
one goofy dog. I have lived throughout the United States and in a couple foreign
countries. I’ve seen much of the United States through my love of backpacking
and my time in the US Army.
Walter Fuller
The Vestry
Our vestry members were elected by the parishioners of St. Jude to help define
the mission of our congregation, to support the church’s mission by word and
deed, to ensure effective organization and planning, and manage resources and
finances. Vestry members are available should you have questions or concerns
and can be reached through the church office.
Charles Garbowski (’26)
Alan Hecht (’25)
Patty Doll, Clerk (’25)
Ken Norian (’25)
Adrienne Comito (’25)
Susan McCann (’26)
Rick Gomez-Nieto (’26)
Jon Mortagua (’26)
Janine Scarlatos (‘26)
Laura Anne Loud (’27)
June Gerbracht (‘27)
Treasurer: Brian Quinn
Committee Leadership
Hospitality Committee
Organizes Sunday Coffee Hours, Specially themed Coffee Hours, Parish Picnics, and all things good food and coffee and tea and juice.
Outreach Committee
Guides the parish in fostering relationships, and helps to facilitate the congregation’s participation in effective outreach and social action in the local community, the nation, and the world.
Buildings and Grounds Committee
The Committee is responsible for keeping close watch on the condition of all church owned properties and buildings, and ensuring they are maintained in safe and satisfactory condition. The committee schedules and supervises workdays to clean up the property, make repairs, or arrange for commercial repairs as needed.
Communications Committee
Researches, develops, evaluates and coordinates communication tools and processes that will support St. Jude’s mission and vision. Some of these tools include our website, bulletin, announcements, email and print newsletters, social media, and signage.
Finance Committee
Helps assess the finances of the congregation by developing and monitoring a church budget, financial reporting, disbursement, investment planning, and auditing of our finances. The Finance Committee also works with all standing church committees for budget planning and input.
Stewardship Committee
They conduct year-round stewardship programs and consider ways to support formal ministry and mission. The Stewardship Committee works to help people understand the meaning of Christian stewardship and the need to practice it in all of life.
Country Fair Committee
This year-round Committee meets to plan, organize, and actualize our amazing Annual Fundraiser for the parish.
Altar Guild Committee
Their ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services.
Flower Guild Committee
Provide for the decoration of the sanctuary of the parish with flowers. Especially, during Easter and Christmas.
Mice Makers
Support the parish through fundraising by created exceptionally hand-crafted themed mice.